Melon Exports - Matragos Fruit S.A, Greece

Argos is famous for growing melons. The region produces fine quality melons which Matragos Fruit S.A packages in its production lines and exports to all European countries, with absolute safety and reliability.

peponia-exagoges-argosMelons are predominantly a summer fruit which is very juicy and it constitutes a refreshing nutritional oasis. It has an unbelievably intense aroma and wonderful sweet taste that varies according to the variety of each melon.

It has high water content (90gr), it is rich in potassium and in numerous vitamins, it also has several natural sugars but it is low in calories (34 calories per 100gr of melon), thus it ranks high in consumer preferences.

Melons are oval or round in shape and in terms of color they can be found in shades of yellow and green. Its rind is usually hard, thick and it has engraved lines. Its flesh is sweet and flavored with a characteristic strong flavor in the center where there is a gap and where the numerous seeds are found.

The nutritional value of the melon is priceless, as it is an excellent source of antioxidants and other nutrients and it contributes in multiple ways to the wellbeing of our body.

Melons can be eaten sliced or in fruit salads, they can make for a rich, tasty juice or a wonderful sorbet or ice cream accompaniment.



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